Français Facile ( Dialogues (sans audio) French story with dialogues in French and English : Le corbeau et le renard.

French story with dialogues in French and English : Le corbeau et le renard.


Un corbeau était assis sur un arbre, tenant un fromage dans son bec.

Un renard passant par là vit le fromage et se dit :

“Je voudrais bien manger ce fromage.”

Il se rapprocha du corbeau et lui dit :

“Cher corbeau, tu es si beau ! Tes plumes sont si noires et brillantes ! Et ta voix est si douce ! Je suis sûr que tu es le roi des oiseaux.”

Le corbeau, flatté par les compliments du renard, ouvrit son bec pour parler. Le fromage tomba et le renard le mangea.

Le corbeau, en colère, dit au renard :

“Tu m’as trompé !”

Le renard, en riant, lui dit :

“C’est la loi de la jungle : le plus fort est le plus intelligent.”


A crow was sitting on a tree, holding a cheese in his beak.

A fox passing by saw the cheese and said to himself:

“I would like to eat that cheese.”

He approached the crow and said to him:

“Dear crow, you are so beautiful! Your feathers are so black and shiny! And your voice is so sweet! I’m sure you are the king of the birds.”

The crow, flattered by the fox’s compliments, opened his beak to speak. The cheese fell and the fox ate it.

The crow, angry, said to the fox:

“You tricked me!”

The fox, laughing, said to him:

“That’s the law of the jungle: the strongest is the most intelligent.”

Moral de l’histoire: La flatterie est un vice qui peut nous faire perdre ce que nous avons de plus précieux.

English translation: The moral of the story is: Flattery is a vice that can make us lose what we have most precious.
